Secrets of Sound, also known as SOS, is an extraordinary girl group that emerged onto the music scene in 2022, captivating audiences with their exceptional talent...
Ray Garrison is a writer, producer, and EDM DJ based in Los Angeles, CA. The multi-dimensional artist blends the genres of Pop, Heavy Metal, and Nu...
I’ll just freestyle this song I was just working on. ‘Yeah. Alright, she wanna let her- oh wait, hold up. She wanna ride like NASCAR, she...
Hey, this is Fyeboy with Sound of U Live. How do you get ready for a performance? Melissa Cross, YouTube for months. That’s the same vocal...
Do you have anything dropping soon? My band, Silos and myself have been working hard, and we’re really excited, just mixing it for EDM. We released...
What are you looking forward to the most in 2024? No bullshit. No bullshit 2024. That’s what I’m looking forward to. I’m gonna like leave all ...
Is0kenny is a man of many talents. As a musician, he has found huge success from hits like “Intelligence” and stands at over 1.5 million monthly...
Rising Florida rapper and Alamo Records signee, Trapland Pat has been on quite a run. The rising artist has released several songs and accompanying visuals with...